Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lemon Fizz.

When one person inspires another the benefits are mutual.  The inspired can find motivation and excitement to begin, continue or complete a project that leaves them satisfied and accomplished.  Or maybe just fill an empty afternoon.  The inspirer, if they are aware of their affect, may gain confidence in knowing they have made a positive impact in someone's life.  In turn that may bring a feeling of validation in their own skills and creativity which may lead to inspiration of their own.  See how this works?  It's lovely.

I regularly read and participate in Photography On The Net, a forum geared towards Canon camera users.  With participants worldwide, from point-and-shoot amateurs to seasoned professionals in every field, there is a vast amount of information and inspiration available for those who seek it.  A couple days ago in a thread I follow a fellow proud 450D user shared a recent photo she had taken, Lemon Bubbles.  She kindly granted permission to share the link.  I was instantly drawn to the fresh, summer-like colors in it and knew I wanted to play with them.

First, I went to COLOURlovers to make a palette, which is fun to do for any reason.  If you have any interest in color or are looking for ideas and inspiration it is certainly a website to bookmark.  With her photo open in one window and the palette maker in another, I found a set I liked and named it Lemon Fizz.

With the palette in mind, I went to my work space where I already had some collage pieces pulled out with similar colors because aqua and teal are current favorites.  I looked for more and hours later completed the following piece, which I remembered to date this time.  It is 8" x 9.5"

Interestingly enough, I did the following collage on September 4, 2004 and used part of the same image with the yellow, bubbly ice cubes.

You never know how strong or long a specific inspiration will stick around, or how it may invoke or evolve other inspiration.  I hope in time this blog may show that evolution.  We will see where it goes.

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